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You can never lose focus...

You can never lose focus. Your focus just shifts onto something less relevant -SeagerCoaching

You often hear people say that they "can't focus" or that "they have bad concentration". 🧠

Focus is often misunderstood. It’s defined as “the centring of attention on a stimulus”. The thing to remember and understand is that you never really lose your focus, it just shifts to something elsewhere.

You can only focus on one thing at a time, so you must make sure what you focus on is useful to your performance.

So if someone has “good focus” it means they are good at picking what to focus on and can quickly and efficiently shift that focus on what's important in any particular moment of time (i.e when to scan, when to focus on technique, how to quickly shift away from negative thoughts, how to quickly shift away from uncontrollable etc).

Whereas, someone that “can’t focus” will shift their focus to something less important. They may even get stuck on that less relevant point for an extended period and mistime when to shift (i.e they focus on a mistake or an uncontrollable factor).

This is a skill you can train and arguably one of the most important psychological skills you can build on for players.

Need help with this? We do player mentoring and spend a lot of time on improving the psychological side of the game. DM or comment “Mentor” for more information. 💬
